Amateur Radio Group in Jasper, AL- W4WCA
2nd Saturday of each month at 8AM at Red Cross building at 1101 Viking Dr in Jasper, AL.
147.390 Mhz with PL tone of 110.9 on Thursdays at 8PM. We also have a time for echolink checkins. You can find us on echolink by searching W4WCA or by entering node 993864. We also have a simplex net following our repeater net. The simplex net is on 147.435 Mhz usually around 8:20 or so. We also activate a Net it times of emergency or bad weather on our repeater.
147.390 Mhz w/PL tone 110.9
442.300 Mhz w/PL tone 110.9 Fusion
146.660 Mhz w/PL tone 110.9
Our purpose is to provide emergency communications in time of disaster or other emergency when all forms of communications are down.
Amateur Radio License Testing
We do testing for Technician, General, and Extra Licenses at each of our monthly meetings. We meet at 8AM on the 2nd Sat of each month, then our testing starts immediately following our meeting, usually around 9AM.
If you are interested in taking your license test check out this video!
2024 Field Day in the books with a good turn out of 5 stations. With newly licensed amateur radio operators in attendance it was the perfect time to get them involved in everything from site preperation, setting up equipment, proper procedures for making contacts, proper band use and an overall development of their skills in amateur radio. We want to thank mayor David O'Mary of Jasper and Nauvoo mayor Terry Burgett for attending our event. We also want to thank David Price for allowing us to use his facilities at the Walker County Lake. It was a great and beautiful location to spend the day. 73
Photos are in the photo album section up top.
Upcoming Events
February 8th 8:00am - Walker ounty ARES Monthly Meeting at Red Cross on Viking Dr in Jasper
March 8th 8:00am - Walker County ARES Monthly Meeting at Red Cross Building on Viking Dr in Jasper
What we are about at Walker County ARES.
What we've done
We assist in helping local agencies communicate in times of emergencies. In the April 2011 tornadoes that hit Cordova, AL we had group members in fire, medic, and police vehicles riding along using ham radio to communicate for them because their communications were down.
Good video to check out on Emergency Communications.
Photo Albums of Recent Events
The Boy Scouts had a Merit Badge Day at the Red Cross, and Curry Day was a success.
Thomas Cleveland got his General License after our December 2024 meeting
John Dempsey III got his Technician License after our December 2024 meeting.
Hope to see you soon!
See more photos of other events in the Photo Album tab at top of page on phone click the 3 lines at top then Photo Album
Here is where we are located for meetings.